In praise of people who think for themselves and don’t simply follow the dictates of religious and political leaders, whose economic, social and religious power controls their lives.
This news report (ynet.co.il) (see below) like many similar news reports gives the impression that the Arab population of Jaffa is in turmoil. I doubt that this is the case. I believe the the Arab population of Jaffa, like the Arab population of the rest of Israel are very brave in being peace loving people and support the police wholeheartedly in their efforts to protect all people, Arabs and Jews.
It’s very easy for me to abide by the law of the land, supporting the police and keeping the peace. My life isn’t controlled by any religious or political leader or group.
Sadly many of my countrymen aren’t so fortunate: Unlike me they have religious beliefs that tie them to religious leaders and communities.
As far as I’m concerned this article simply shows that the police in Israel are doing a fantastic job of keeping the peace and protecting people, partly, because most people think for themselves and are brave in not following the dictates of their leader.
Religious and political leaders choose to accuse the police of violence when actually they are struggling valiantly against criminal activity and they do this for religious and political gain.
Mostly these diabolical leaders do their work behind the scenes and only the results of their incitement activity is seen in moments like the one described here.
Unfortunately followers of religious ideas, spread by these leaders cannot easily disregard them. Followers of a religion, especially among the weaker economic parts of society are dependent on these leaders in many ways. Followers who go against the leader suffer in many ways. Their children go to schools run by these leaders, their communal life is controlled by them. The leaders have money, which followers are badly short of.
No follower of a religion or even of a political party can break away. He is held in their grip. Loyalty to the state takes last place behind loyalty to family, social and religious group.
Considering this control, I am amazed that people do resist the pushing antics of the leaders in religious communities. It shows great courage and their behaviour deserves infinite praise.
The report in ynet 4th Aug 2017
Jaffa is burning:
Stones were thrown, windows were smashed and tin cans were set on fire
Another violent protest in the city: The arrest of the brother of the deceased by police gunfire was documented - and in a demonstration that followed, riots began. The demonstrators threw stones at police, smashed shop windows, set fire to garbage cans and blocked the road. Two were arrested and released later
Itai Blumenthal and Hassan Shaalan Last Update:
The arrest that stirred Jaffa again:
300 people demonstrated Thursday in the city following the arrest of the brother of Mehdi Sa'adi, who was shot to death last weekend.
During the protest on Yefet Street, violent riots began, including clashes with police officers, throwing stones, damaging shops and burning garbage cans. In the Green House, the military court in Jaffa, a police police station was set up, and the police arrested two suspects for participating in the disturbances and released them overnight.
The police said that the demonstration was illegal and had not been requested: "The demonstrators began to riot, threw stones at the police, and smashed shop windows, set fire to the garbage cans and blocked the road." Shortly after 22:30, two and a half hours after the start of the demonstration, the police said that they "dispersed the rioters and obtained full control of the area." The police command is holding talks with the community dignitaries so that they will act to maintain and maintain quiet and public order.
The father of the deceased, Jamal Sa'adi, approached the police at the end of the riot and told them that the area should be calmed and that all the demonstrators had dispersed. Chief Superintendent Yaron Kaldes, deputy commander of the Yiftach district, replied: "I want you to guard your children from this mob tomorrow morning."
Regarding the arrest of Sa'adi's brother, the police said that policemen who were stationed on Yefet Street in Jaffa on the mission of maintaining public order were attacked by several residents. The police arrested a 20-year-old resident of Jaffa, the brother of the dead Sa'adi, and a senior sheikh in the Islamic Movement, on suspicion of leading the clashes last night. They were taken for questioning at the police station and released tonight.
The crowd also consumed its rage with photographic equipment and destroyed it and blocked the way of drivers who were mistakenly caught in the area. A motorcade of passed by the policemen, and the riders shouted abuse at the troops. On Monday, too, the tension continued and garbage cans and vehicles were torched on the grounds of Arab residents' claims of discrimination by the police, and after the violence at the funeral of the young man who was shot and killed by police at the end of the week.
Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, opposed the police's conduct and warned the Arab public against it. At the beginning of the week, he arrived at the mourning tent in Jaffa, where dozens of relatives and acquaintances of Sa'adi gathered. "There is no justice, how can they allow themselves to carry out an execution in public, such behavior is unacceptable, we have the right not to accept it and not to accept injustice," he said, adding: "If we demand rights and struggle against injustice, They will begin to accuse us, and in such cases we must be strong and not be afraid of any accusations, and even if they consider everyone who comes to the mourners' tent as inciters.